Joshua 23-24 record Joshua’s final words and warnings to the Israelites as he nears death, after leading the Israelites into ever-increasing victory in the Promised Land.
Speaking to Israel in what he knew would be one of his last times, Joshua reminds them of all God has done for them and admonishes them to be obedient to God’s commands.
But then he delivers what I believe is really the crux of his message—not only to the Israelites but also to us today: “But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God” (23:8).
The word translated “hold fast”—or, in some translations, “cleave”—is dabaq. This word actually means “to impinge, i.e. cling or adhere; figuratively, to catch by pursuit.” Gesenius’s Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon explains one meaning of this word as “to follow hard”.
Sometimes in modern Christianity, we hear people talk about their “faith” and how important their “faith” is to them—how their “faith” got them through tough situations, how their “faith” gives them comfort.
And while certainly, Scripture tells us to hold fast our profession of faith (Hebrews 10:23), the reason we can do so is that the One Who promised is faithful. It is the author and finisher of our faith—Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)—who deserves our worship. It God who sustains us, gives us life, indeed gives us our very breath.
Think of it this way. If we ask someone their greatest treasure on earth, and they reply “my family”—that would make sense. But if they reply “my love for my family”, wouldn’t that seem a bit odd? The object of their love is the real treasure.
Similarly, if we idolize our faith, we are at risk of molding it into anything we want it to be. But if we elevate as worthy of worship only the Lord our God, He reveals to us Who He is.
This certainly shouldn’t downplay faith. Indeed, it is by God’s grace through faith that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8). And Scripture is clear on the importance of faith, calling it “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
But our faith is empty and meaningless apart from its object, source, and fulfillment: Jesus Christ.
A profoundly inspiring post! Thank you, Gina!