
We can’t ‘fill up’ on ourselves

I’m not a car person—far from it.  I can’t tell a timing belt from a wheel bearing (true story, as my amazing husband will confirm!).  But one thing I know is that if my car needs gas, I have to go to a gas station. 

I can think about gas all I want, and I can sit in the driveway in my car and tell that car how great gas is—or even how maybe it can run without gas if it just tries hard enough. But at the end of the day, that car isn’t going anywhere unless it gets some gas in the tank. (Or, if you’re an EV driver—you’ve got to plug in!) 

How often in life we feel spiritually tired, weary, drained—or worse, distracted by the unimportant. 

We need to recharge. But sometimes, we foolishly try to recharge from within ourselves. 

We’ll mindlessly scroll through social media (I’m preaching to myself here!) or try to do something—anything—that we think will help us rejuvenate. We take walks, take naps, or take up new hobbies. Or we tell ourselves to simply power through and we’ll be fine. 

While none of these is inherently bad, the only way to truly recharge our spirits is by connecting (and staying connected ) to our true source of Life—Jesus. 

Quieting ourselves. Spending time in His presence. 

I’ll be the first to admit this takes discipline. Too often, I avoid this discipline and instead take a walk, clean the kitchen, or do 1,000 other mundane (or even productive) things. 

In short, I try to recharge my spirit within myself.  

Truth be told, that’s ridiculous. It’s like trying to refill my car’s gas tank by looking inside the tank for more gas. It doesn’t work.  

Jesus tells us in John 15:5 that apart from Him, we can do nothing. But through Him we can do all things (Philippians 4:13).

Let’s put down our phones, turn off the music, leave the dishes in the sink, and gain strength by spending time with our Lord.