
Seven times a day

I was studying Psalm 119 not too long ago, and verse 164 popped out at me: “Seven times a day and all day long do I praise You because of Your righteous decrees.”

This got me thinking: How would my outlook change if seven times a day, I paused to give God praise?  It’s so easy to get distracted during the day by the pressures of the “now.”  The tasks that need doing, the commitments that need keeping, the activities that need completing. 

But the Psalmist writes that “all day long” he praises God because of his righteous decrees.

So recently, I’ve been aiming to pause throughout the day to give God praise. This redirects my mind and heart on the One Who is my Source. 

It’s not about checking a box to make sure I’ve hit “seven.” Rather, it’s about remembering that all day long, He is the One who deserves my praise. And focusing my attention on Him and magnifying Him throughout the day brings into perspective the things of “now” and reminds me that He is greater than whatever I’m facing. 

5 thoughts on “Seven times a day”

  1. “Practicing the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence is an awesome book on this–but not nearly as concise and well-posed. Thank you for reminding us all.

  2. Ditto to mommy’s post. I shouldn’t need a reminder to give praise. The fact that there’s a “situation” should be a sufficient enough reminder.

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